Customize Crossbeam Invite Link

Add a button to your partner page to help get more of your partners on Crossbeam.

Matt Nicosia avatar
Written by Matt Nicosia
Updated over a week ago

After getting started with Crossbeam, your objective is to encourage your partners to join you on the platform. To make this process smoother, consider incorporating one of the provided options below on your partner page, partner portal, and/or partner newsletter using these code snippets.

Before using the code snippets, locate your current Invite Link in Crossbeam. Copy your unique invite link and paste it into the code snippet anywhere you see:



Add Code Snippets

By adding Crossbeam Invite buttons, your partners will be directed to a customized registration page on Crossbeam. There, they can access additional information and complete their registration, which will automatically trigger a partner invitation for your approval or rejection.


<a href="YOUR INVITE LINK HERE?utm_campaign=button" target="_blank"><img style="width:234px" src="" alt="Crossbeam | Supercharge Your Partnerships" /></a>


<a href="YOUR INVITE LINK HERE?utm_campaign=button" target="_blank"><img style="width:234px" src="" alt="Crossbeam | Supercharge Your Partnerships" /></a>

White Icon:

<a href="YOUR INVITE LINK HERE?utm_campaign=button" target="_blank"><img style="height:60px" src="" alt="Crossbeam | Supercharge Your Partnerships" /></a>

Blue Icon:

<a href="YOUR INVITE LINK HERE?utm_campaign=button" target="_blank"><img style="height:60px" src="" alt="Crossbeam | Supercharge Your Partnerships" /></a>


If you'd like to create a custom button that aligns with your branding, feel free to do so! Just inform us of your design ideas, so we can provide approval, but please remember that it should, at a minimum, include the complete Invite Link.

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